Drawing Steps: 1-4

10 Reasons to use a Drawing Board | helloartsy.com

Here's ten reasons for why yous should be using a drawing board when creating drawings in pencil, charcoal, or whatever drawing media.  Are you making these foolish drawing mistakes?

Afterwards years of working with students whom were serious near their artwork, I have seen information technology all.  Well maybe not all, merely I've seen enough to generate a giant list of all the issues young artists encounter when non using a drawing board.  Hither goes!

10 Reasons to use a Drawing Lath

1. Holes

A cartoon board provides a firm surface on which to depict.  Drawing on soft surfaces can cause your drawing tools, especially abrupt pencil tips to rip through your paper.  Yikes!

2. Ghostly Lines

When you draw directly in your drawing pad you are drawing on several layers of paper.  This creates a fairly soft drawing surface.  When you draw on a soft surface y'all are creating depressions in your paper.  These grooves in the paper show up afterwards as ghostly white lines when you shade your drawing in.  Utilise a cartoon board and you will minimalize the amount of ghostly white lines in your finished drawings.

3. Consistency

Drawing is difficult enough to get proficient at without throwing in many random hurdles.  Using a cartoon board provides consistency.   You'll become the same feel to your drawing surface each time you sit down downwardly to describe.  Imagine trying to get better at basketball but each time you endeavor to exercise the hoop is a different height and the floor is made of a different material.

4. Folds, Bends & Curls

Because a drawing board is rigid it is less likely that you will accidentally fold, curve, curl, rip, or otherwise ruin your drawing newspaper. Lightly taping down the corners of your paper to the drawing board's surface will aid you proceed your artwork in tip-top shape, especially when drawing very rapidly or working under less than ideal conditions such equally outdoors on a breezy mean solar day.

5. Condolement

Considering a drawing board is rigid you can use information technology to get comfortable.  In one case your cartoon paper is secured to the drawing lath's surface you tin work at any angle you wish, non just flat as if you were bars to a table.  With cartoon lath in hand you can take your artwork anywhere and easily become comfy!

half dozen. Viewing Distance

When your drawing newspaper is attached to your drawing board you lot can easily prop your cartoon up and look at it from far away.  You can't easily prop upwardly a loose slice of paper.  Even drawing pads tend to be flimsy and bend when compared to the rigidity of a quality drawing board.  Looking at ane's drawing from about vi feet away is very helpful for critiquing ane's progress.

7. Safer Storage

Lose drawings definitely come up with many risks.  They can get folded, aptitude or simply become blown effectually and state in liquid or worse.  Drawings on newspaper demand to exist stored flat if they are not secured to a firm surface.  If your cartoon is taped to a cartoon board you have the option of safely storing your drawing vertically.  This will limit the amount of grit that falls on your drawing.  You lot'll also find information technology easier to store your drawing-in-progress in one case you can store it vertically on the board.

8. Hands Off!

When your cartoon is attached to a cartoon board yous can handle the board and not the paper.  Typically, the less contact you take with your paper the amend condition it will stay in.

9. Botched Proportions

Drawing apartment on top of a table while seated may work fine for a small drawing.  As the size of your drawing increases you will inadvertently introduce incorrect proportions into your drawing.  The reason being is that the top of your drawing will exist physically farther from your optics.  This will fool yous into drawing elements larger towards the peak of your paper (because they are further away and wait smaller).  When using a drawing lath your can prop up your cartoon and then that information technology is perpendicular to your line of sight.  Using any other angle risks introducing wrong proportions into your artwork.

10. Ruined Pads

It's tempting to piece of work right out of a drawing pad.  For your most serious work this can exist detrimental to not just your current drawing simply future drawings besides.  Your pencil points can create indentations on the papers underneath causing those dreadful ghostly lines again in subsequent drawings to come up.  Furthermore, the act of leaning on a soft drawing pad can permanently dent all the sheets of paper within the pad.  If you insist on keeping your paper in your drawing pad, at least skid a cartoon board in between the current piece of newspaper y'all're drawing on and the new sheets beneath or use a stack of smooth paper you use for this sole purpose.  This volition protect your sheets of paper from scratch marks and denting.

The Cost of a Drawing Lath

Buying a drawing lath is hands down some of the best money you'll spend.  Information technology takes time to create artwork and in that location's cipher worse than spending time on a drawing simply to ruin it in the process.  The good news is y'all can buy a drawing lath for less than $20 or fifty-fifty make your own for less.

Here'due south how I have always made my own drawing boards.

It takes the right tools to practice any job well.  Use a cartoon board and you won't regret it!

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